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Tecnifibre HDMX

Tecnifibre HDMX

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Tecnifibre HDMX  is a part of Tecnifibre's fusion category. It combined polyeurethane, polyester and polamide elements in one string to blur the line between comfort and durability. The poly filaments help with durability and control while the softer nylon filaments increases comfort. Featuring 3SPL Silicium Pyrogene Lubritec anti-abrasion coating along with a High Density Polyurethane bonding resin, which gives the string a firmer feel and greater durability than a traditional multifilament.

It is an excellent choice for a player concerned about arm friendliness while still having poly like control at a great price point. 


  • Gauge: 15L, 16G, 17
  • Length: 40 feet/12m
  • Construction: 34% Elastyl, 33% Polyester, 33% Thermostabyl multifilament
  • Color: Yellow
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